Meet Our Team
Stephen Brown
Teaching Pastor
Primary Responsibilities: Preaching and teaching
I was born and raised in OKC and love this city. When I was confronted with the opportunity to plant a church, God made it abundantly clear that this church was the appointed time and place.
I’ve been married to my wife Sabrina for 6 years, We have two beautiful girls and a third on the way. I was called to pastoral ministry in high-school and spent 5 years at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College, graduating with a degree in Biblical Studies and a Masters of Divinity. I’m passionate about knowing and loving God, my family, and OKC Thunder Basketball.
Preston Norman
Community Pastor
Primary Responsibilities: Teaching, Community Outreach, Children & Youth
Justin Koonce
Worship Coordinator
Sabrina Brown
Communications Director
I’ve been married to my husband, Stephen for 6 years. I’m a proud stay-at-home mom to two wonderful girls. After graduating from Oklahoma Baptist University with a degree in Spanish, I spent four fulfilling years as a teacher. When we decided to plant Northeast Fellowship, I naturally took on the role of Communications Director. My passion for connecting with people and sharing our story, combined with my previous experience in education, made it a perfect fit and I am so thankful to serve my church and my community.